Dividends4Life: Reasons To Invest In This Beverage Giant

Reasons To Invest In This Beverage Giant

Posted by D4L | Monday, August 19, 2013 | | 0 comments »

On July 16, beverage giant Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) turned in some pretty disappointing numbers. Revenue declined 3% while free cash flow crept up a mere 48 basis points. Management blamed global economic conditions, weather, and environmental conditions for its plight. Probably, the question on your mind: “Is Coca-Cola still a viable long-term investment?” The answer is yes and here’s why.

Over the long-term, look for Coca-Cola to continue to make inroads into emerging markets with its sparkling sodas and non-sparkling beverages such as bottled water, juice, and tea. Overall, this company’s business will slowly transform from soda maker, distributor, and seller to a more diverse beverage giant focused more on healthier non-sparkling beverages. Coca-Cola definitely warrants a long-term spot in your portfolio.

Source: Motley Fool

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