Dividends4Life: Is Dividend Investing Perfect For All Age Groups?

Dividend Growth Stocks News

To begin, let me say that I am a firm believer in a dividend income investing strategy. I believe that for a more financially secure retirement, dividend income investing gives prudent investors the best possible path towards a better retirement than just about any other strategy. Recently, I have read a plethora of articles on Seeking Alpha from some of my esteemed colleagues, which advocate only dividend growth investing for all age groups, even for the very young investor.

While I agree that over the course of a lifetime, this strategy can give an investor of any age the best opportunity for a secure retirement, I disagree that it is the perfect wealth creation strategy for everyone. My personal opinion is that a young investor can gain enormous wealth at a young age, by taking a prudent approach towards growth stock investing. Even aggressive growth stock investing

Source: Seeking Alpha

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