Dividends4Life: Dividend Champions With Yields 50% Higher Than 10-Year Treasuries

Dividend Growth Stocks News

History repeats itself, or at least it rhymes. Just as happened a year ago, I seem to have been writing lots of theoretical articles lately. It's time to switch gears, set theory aside for a while, and just come up with some dividend growth company names and ticker symbols for consideration. My simple starting point is one I used last year at about this time: Dividend Champions whose yield is 50% greater than that on a 10-year Treasury. As I write this, the yield on the 10-year Treasury is 1.86%. (A year ago, it was 2.25%). So a yield 50% higher than the current 10-year Treasury would be 2.79%.

That's how the stocks in the table below were selected: They are Dividend Champions with yields above 2.79%. Since these are Dividend Champions, each has raised its annual dividend for at least 25 consecutive years. The current low yields on Treasuries establish a low hurdle for stock yields to clear even when multiplied by 150%. No fewer than 41 Champions out of 105 qualify. Last year, the corresponding numbers were 18 out of 103.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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