Dividends4Life: Fred Dickson's Top Dividend Stocks

Fred Dickson's Top Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | | 0 comments »

Well, you know what, we find companies that are able to raise their dividends every year for long periods tend to have a growth element or else they couldn't do that. And essentially, investors through all stages of a market expansion like to invest in companies where they feel assured of growth, cash flow, solid balance sheets, and they see companies that are willing to take and return some of that back to their shareholders. The payment of those dividends but primarily the increases of dividends really is a very, very visible expression that management is confident in their growth and typically, investors of all kinds of flavors like to see that for- to give them confidence about the future.

I could think of- a couple that come immediately to mind would be a company like Procter & Gamble with basically a 50-year history of increasing its dividends every year. It's not going to be a company that's going to sell for deep discount or ever sell at a deep discount. And occasionally it's going to run into problems like, all of a sudden we had a Venezuelan currency revaluation- devaluation. But Procter & Gamble is all over the world. Its management finds challenges but through all kinds of ups and downs, it's been able to grow the dividends and it's really growing them quite nicely over the last four or five years. Another example in a different kind of industry with a global exposure would be United Technologies.

Source: 4-Traders

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