Dividends4Life: High-Dividend Stocks With Upside Potential

Dividend Growth Stocks News

High-Dividend Stocks With Upside Potential

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, February 19, 2013 | | 0 comments »

Only 47 stocks in the S&P 500 currently pay a dividend yield in excess of four percentage points, and of this top decile, a little over half sport market capitalizations greater than $10 billion. This pool includes companies from all walks of life, from tech to utilities. The Smart Money is heavily invested in this space, and the 400-plus top-tier hedge funds we track have over $19 billion invested in the so-called "mega-dividend" club.

Hedge fund managers aren't income investors. They invest in dividend stocks because they think these stocks will deliver high capital gains on top of their high dividend yields. With this in mind, let's take a look at the mega-dividend payers that have the greatest support from the smart money.

Source: Market Watch

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