Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks To Consider

Dividend Stocks To Consider

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, January 08, 2013 | | 0 comments »

With the current uncertainty in the market, having a solid list of dividend stocks in your portfolio is a must. Not only do they provide a constant stream of income, they also are generally solid businesses with low volatility. In a time of a market rally, their share prices appreciate and also provide dividends. In a time of a market selloff, their share prices will go down but typically less than the market in percentage terms, and they still provide the dividend.

t is important to note that while each of the stocks below has an impressive dividend yield, each stock has their respective challenges and business problems that should be taken into consideration: Annaly Capital Management (NYSE: NLY), Pitney Bowes (NYSE: PBI) and France Telecom (NYSE: FTE).

Source: Motley Fool

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