Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks That Offer Serious Growth

Dividend Stocks That Offer Serious Growth

Posted by D4L | Friday, December 14, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Dividend stocks for the serious growth investor. We’re hunting down Canadian and U.S. names that meet the disciplined, methodical approach of successful growth investor Martin Zweig – plus provide some decent income. Mr. Zweig was very diligent in his stock pickings, and the results paid off. In the 15 years that the Hulbert Financial Digest has monitored his highly regarded Zweig Forecast, its investing strategy has ranked as No. 1 among newsletters, producing 15.9-per-cent annualized returns.

Using such rigorous criteria means not many dividend stocks made the list. But we’re left with a handful of names that have a lot of promising growth characteristics, as well as producing some pretty attractive yields. Mortgage underwriter First National Financial Corp., for instance, yields a handsome 7.5 per cent. And it also scores amongst the highest for relative strength. One huge U.S. company made the list: General Electric Co. Its dividend yield of 3.3 per cent isn’t the biggest, but it would seem to be one of the safer stocks here given its wide diversification both geographically and within industries.

Source: Globe And Mail

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