Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks to Hold Forever

Dividend Stocks to Hold Forever

Posted by D4L | Friday, July 27, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Now there's a word you don't hear much these days. "Buy and hold," they tell us, has gone the way of the dinosaur. Today, it's all about the fast money. In the market, out of the market... this stock, that stock... Of course, that's perfectly fine for traders. The good ones earn small fortunes that way. But for folks who don't have that kind of experience, being nimble is simply an invitation to be whipsawed by the markets.

There's a solution to all this day-to-day madness. Despite the rumors of its demise, there are still stocks you can buy and hold forever. Of course, seasoned income investors have known this for years. That's why the truly rich don't spend their days watching the financial news and trading stocks. They're too smart for that.They know that investing in steady-income producing dividend stocks is just as rewarding over the long haul.

Source: Market Oracle

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