Dividends4Life: Wealth is a Journey, Dividend Stocks Can Take You There

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Fad diets and fad investing plans rarely work. They are primarily designed to separate you from your money and make the seller wealthy. Real wealth is built with sweat equity and a sound financial plan. For most people fortunate enough to be born in the U.S., or any other industrialized country, they have access to the two main ingredients to achieve financial success: 1. Opportunity and 2. Time.

Unfortunately, very few people are able to take advantage of the situation enough to even build a secure retirement. The formula to building wealth is rather simple - spend less than you earn and invest the difference. Implementation is where many people come up short. With the right focus and some positive feedback, building wealth can be much easier than shedding the spare tire around your mid-section. Here's how to do it...

Source: Dividend Growth Stocks

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