Dividends4Life: High-Yield Dividend Stocks, 2012's Big Winners

Dividend Growth Stocks News

High-Yield Dividend Stocks, 2012's Big Winners

Posted by D4L | Friday, January 06, 2012 | | 0 comments »

Thanks to market volatility and an uncertain economic future, dividend stocks became the heroes of 2011. Bloomberg recently reported that the S&P 500′s dividend paying stocks outperformed those that hoarded their cash, and now the Wall Street Journal has more revealing data to add to the point. James Bianco of the WSJ reports that a high dividend yield was just as important to the success of the stock performance.

The top 100 highest dividend yield stocks on the S&P 500 are up an average of 3.7% before dividends. The 100 lowest-yielding stocks are down an average of 10%. "In the third quarter, share-price returns on high-dividend payers exceeded those of lower-paying companies by 17 percentage points," concludes global asset management firm AllianceBernstein.

Source: Motley Fool

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