Dividends4Life: Solid Industrial Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Solid Industrial Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Sunday, December 18, 2011 | | 0 comments »

In last week’s article, we showed that the Industrial sector has the 2nd best record for beating & meeting 3rd quarter earnings estimates. It also has the 2nd highest EPS growth estimate for the next fiscal year, trailing only Tech. This week we searched for additional attractive dividend paying stocks in the Industrials sector, focusing on finding the best stocks to buy for growth, valuation, financial metrics, and high options yields:

Covered Calls: Although these aren’t high dividend stocks, you can easily earn a much higher overall yield from them, by combining their dividends with high call options yields. The Static Yield refers to the combination of the call option and dividend yields, which represents your total income if the underlying stock isn’t If the stock doesn’t rise above the call strike price at or near expiration. The Total Potential Yield includes the potential price gain that you’ll realize if the stock’s price does rise above the call strike price. For example, for ETN, you’d receive an additional $1.07/share, if the stock rises above $45.oo and gets assigned/sold away from you at expiration.

Source: ForexPros

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