Dividends4Life: Rules I Use to Earn $124.29 in Dividends Per Day

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Rules I Use to Earn $124.29 in Dividends Per Day

Posted by D4L | Thursday, December 15, 2011 | | 0 comments »

I counted twice, just to be sure… $41,513.18. That’s the amount in “daily paychecks” — more commonly known as dividends — I’ve received from my investment portfolio in 2011. This total comes to $124.29 for each day of the year. Cash. What I like best is that it’s the easiest way to invest you can imagine. Once you get started, it runs on autopilot. Of course, you’ll make a few portfolio adjustments now and then, but you won’t have to anxiously watch your holdings every day.

Now it’s time to come clean. If you start this strategy tomorrow, then it’s unlikely you’ll be earning $124 a day by the weekend. I’ve been fortunate to start with a healthy-sized portfolio. And as I said, I’ve enjoyed the benefits of implementing the “Daily Paycheck” strategy for a few years now, so my payments have grown much larger than when I started.

Source: Traders-Blog

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