Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks Provide Long Term Investment Out Performance

Dividend Growth Stocks News

David R. Fried, a Cornell University graduate, is President and Chief Executive Officer of Fried Asset Management, Inc. In 1989, his company was listed in Inc. magazine's annual "Inc. 500" list of the 500 fastest-growing private companies. Mr. Fried also is the Editor and Publisher of The Buyback Letter, an investment newsletter devoted to finding opportunities among companies that repurchase their stock. Mr. Fried has been a guest on Bloomberg Television and CNBC's "The Money Club," as well as "Squawk Box" and "Market Wrap" with Bill Bresnan in New York City.

For income, with interest rates being so low today, we started a dividend portfolio. It's simply buying companies that pay outsized dividends and seem to have good businesses as well. We've done pretty well with that over time as well. We also have an audited track record there that has returned 133% since inception through the end of last year versus a return of about 40% for the S&P.

Source: TWST.com

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