Dividends4Life: The Dividend Stock That Buffett Just Bought

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The Dividend Stock That Buffett Just Bought

Posted by D4L | Friday, December 02, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Warren Buffett, the so-called Oracle of Omaha, knows a thing or two about investing. That's why it was huge news when Buffett announced last week that his company, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B) , had purchased a total of 5.5% of IBM (NYSE: IBM) , an investment worth $10.7 billion. The headlines were predictable. "Buffett Changes His Philosophy, Buys Tech Stock." "Should You Follow Buffett into IBM?"

But lost in the IBM shuffle were Berkshire's other (albeit smaller) moves. Berkshire also opened new positions in several companies, including Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), and Visa (NYSE: V) . Berkshire purchased 9.3 million Intel shares valued at $199 million and 2.29 million shares of Visa worth $196 million. However, another such "small" move by Buffett's firm has me the most excited. That's because it's a solid company with a strong dividend. Which Berkshire pick am I putting a bullish CAPScall on today? That'd be General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).

Source: Motley Fool

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