Dividends4Life: Small Stocks With A Big Dividend Punch

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Small Stocks With A Big Dividend Punch

Posted by D4L | Friday, October 07, 2011 | | 0 comments »

If you need income from your portfolio and can't afford to live on the tiny returns that safe investments like Treasuries and bank CDs offer right now, buying dividend stocks gives you your best opportunity to meet your financial goals. But with so many investors interested in the well-known big-name dividend stocks that everyone's familiar with, you might be nervous about being the last to join a growing craze.

But that doesn't mean you should give up on dividend stocks entirely. Although they're somewhat rarer than their bigger counterparts, several smaller stocks carry attractive yields for shareholders -- and since they're further off the beaten path among dividend investors, these small stocks could give you a better chance at scoring the combination of solid income and great growth prospects that represent the holy grail for many investors.

Source: Motley Fool

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