Dividends4Life: Many Multinational Dividend-Paying Stocks Are Still Cool

Dividend Growth Stocks News

CNBC.com recently quoted excerpts from one of our blogs about the great values in dividend-paying multinational corporations. We are happy that CNBC picked up our story-line. We believe the evidence is conclusive that global companies have a flexibility and financial power that is being completely ignored in today's stock market. We are particularly pleased that it is CNBC that is digging into the great story of multinational dividend payers.

One day the panic will subside, and when it does we believe the first place investors and even traders and speculators will go is to the financially strong, multinational companies for exactly the reasons that Randy detailed in his blog. Yet, as we write this edition of our blog, traders and speculators are abandoning stocks of all stripes and rushing into US government bonds, driving bond prices to unbelievable heights and bonds yields to depths not seen since the 1950s. Is there a bubble under Treasury bond prices? -- you bet!

Source: Rising Dividend Investing

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