Dividends4Life: Dividend Streaks On Death Watch

Dividend Streaks On Death Watch

Posted by D4L | Friday, October 28, 2011 | | 0 comments »

This monthly series lists companies whose latest dividend increases might be considered “overdue” because it has been more than a year since the previous increase, a possible sign that their streaks of increases are in danger. Some firms regularly go more than a year between increases, so this is only an “early warning” sign that some of them may warrant concern.

As we near year-end, some of the listing will act as a dividend streak “death watch,” since it will include companies that will be deleted if they fail to announce an increase in 2011. This month, I'm again breaking the listing into two groups, which I've labeled “Red Flag” and “Yellow Flag.” The first are companies that face deletion if they do not increased their dividend this year, since their 2011 total dividends paid will equal the amount paid in 2010. The second group last increased their dividend late enough in 2010 to ensure that this year's payout will be higher (barring an actual decrease).

Source: Seeking Alpha

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