Dividends4Life: Intel: A Top Dividend Stock

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Intel: A Top Dividend Stock

Posted by D4L | Thursday, July 28, 2011 | | 0 comments »

There has been a lot of interest lately in Intel (INTC) as a dividend or dividend-growth stock, especially after they announced that they will increase their dividend 16% in Q3 2011. That follows a similar increase at the end of last year. With the two increases, Intel’s current (projected) yield has jumped above 3.5%.

Intel just fell short of making my Top 40 Dividend-Growth Stocks compilation earlier this year, being one of the last stocks eliminated when I finalized the list in January. I always encourage investors to keep checking out new ideas throughout the year, so I decided to re-rate Intel to see whether it would make the list now. The answer is Yes.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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