Dividends4Life: High-Yield Dividend Portfolio Will Beat the Market

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Five weeks ago, I invested my cold hard cash into 10 high-yield dividend stocks I believe will beat the market. Over the past two weeks, the S&P 500 rose a slight 0.35%. Our portfolio maintained its outperformance of the market, extending its lead to 1.56 percentage points! While outperformance is always good, it should be taken with a grain of salt. We're investing for the long term, and it's only been five weeks. But I firmly believe the results will bear us out.

Of our stocks, the biggest mover in the portfolio the past two weeks was Bristol-Myers Squibb, which rose 3.33%. The stock jumped on Friday when, as Fool pharma analyst Brian Orelli expected, the FDA approved the firm's melanoma drug Yervoy . The drug is a breakthrough in that it is the first time a drug has significantly extended survival for melanoma patients.

Source: Motley Fool

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