Dividends4Life: Be Careful Of Who Provides You Investing Advice

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Be Careful Of Who Provides You Investing Advice

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, January 25, 2011 | | 0 comments »

When the market was diving and hitting its historical lows in March of 2009, we had just six stocks on our Best Dividend Stocks list. Six! That’s it! And we didn’t get bullish again until we saw the market bounce sustain itself for a few months afterward. We also didn’t go around bragging that we “caught the bottom” exactly, as other pundits would love to exaggerate they did. What those pundits didn’t tell you was that many of them had misfired on multiple bottom calls for months, before finally getting it right.

So the next time someone offers you advice about the markets — good or bad — check their qualifications first. Again, I think Tony Robbins is a master at what he does, but I wish everyone would stick to their own niche. We live, breathe, and eat the markets at Dividend.com and we are going to do the best darned job we can possibly do.

Source: Forbes

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