Dividends4Life: Top Stocks for Dividend Growth

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Top Stocks for Dividend Growth

Posted by D4L | Thursday, August 26, 2010 | | 0 comments »

As the stock market has flattened out in recent months, investors are increasingly recognizing the value of dividend-paying stocks in building wealth. Yet while many investors gravitate toward the highest-yielding stocks they can get right now, thinking past immediate payouts from your dividend stocks may well pay even greater rewards in the long run.

Look for growth: The general point, though, holds true: Dividend growth can be even more attractive than a high current yield, especially if you have a long time horizon for your investing. So even though those high yields are the most obvious sign of a powerful dividend stock, looking beyond them to signs of future growth could pay even larger rewards.

Source: Motley Fool

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