Dividends4Life: Top 10 Dow Dividend Stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Top 10 Dow Dividend Stocks

Posted by D4L | Friday, April 23, 2010 | | 0 comments »

With just 30 component stocks, the Dow Jones isn't a very broad stock index. And since it's full of the big blue chips that never wiggle more than a percent or two in a single trading session, it's often seen as a stodgy grouping of companies without much to offer investors.

But while the Dow certainly has its detractors among short-term traders with a need for instant gratification, these big-name blue chips have a lot of appeal to conservative investors. And some of the biggest selling points for Dow stocks are their healthy dividends. In fact, the "worst" dividend stock out of the top 10 high dividend yield components returns an even 3% annual rate. If you're looking for stable stocks with a hefty dividend payout, the Dow is full of them. To help you get your share, here is an updated list of the Top 10 Highest-Yielding Dow Dividend Stocks.

Source: TheStreet.com

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