Dividends4Life: Introducing D4L-Data

Introducing D4L-Data

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, January 20, 2010 | | 0 comments »

I am pleased to announce the addition of D4L-Data as the latest feature available to subscribers of the D4L-Premium Services.

D4L-Data is an Open Office spreadsheet containing a significant amount of data on each of the dividend stocks that I track. The data is sortable and has built-in buttons and macros to make it easy to use. This spreadsheet requires Open Office, which is available for multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, etc.) and in multiple languages. Click here to download a FREE copy of Open Office.

The D4L-Data spreadsheet has more than 20 columns of information on the 140+ companies that I track.Some of the information included is: Yield, Div Growth Rate, Buy Price, Prem./ (Disc.), Stars, Debt To Tot. Cap., FCF Payout, NPV MMA Diff., Years of Div Grow, P/E, Risk Rating, and much more.

The D4L-Data spreadsheet is perfect for the times you want to sort data differently than what is available in the D4L-Dashboard and/or you want to screen the dividend stocks based on your unique criteria.

The D4L Premium Services are designed for the serious dividend investor. If you have not yet subscribed, please see the Overview and Subscribe page for more information on the benefits of these services, sample reports, pricing and subscription information. The premium section can always be accessed via the Premium menu option on the top-left of the menu bar above.



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