Dividends4Life: Pocket Change Portfolio - December 2008

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Pocket Change Portfolio - December 2008

Posted by D4L | Saturday, January 10, 2009 | , | 2 comments »

On the second or third Saturday of the month I update the Pocket Change Portfolio (PCP). The table below reconciles the PCP from beginning of period to end of period for December 2008, Year-To-Date (2008) and Life-To-Date. The Portfolio Returns line provides the calculated return for the three displayed periods.

Dec-2008 Year-To-Date Life-To-Date
Beg. Portfolio Value2,765.38
Online Cash Receipts677.54
Online Expenses(74.40)
Gross Profit603.14
Interest Income
Ending Portfolio Value3,395.62
Portfolio Returns

Online Cash Receipts are the collected earnings from my online endeavors. Most of which is advertising on the my various blogs. The $94.40 Online Expenses relates to registering 2 domains (dividends4life.com and thediv-net.com) for $20 and $74.40 for one years hosting. I am in the process of moving my blogs from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress platform. The Dividends line is for dividends earned in the PCP. The Interest Income line is interest earned on cash balances in an ING account I set up for the PCP. The Gain/(Loss) line is for market changes to the PCP (realized and unrealized).

During the month of December, I received a $16.80 dividend from BP and an $8.36 dividend from KO. I ended 2008 with $1,464.88 in cash. This will allow me to purchase my third stock in the PCP during the month of January. It is my goal to have sufficient earnings to purchase a stock at least once a quarter.

My PCP holdings are always available by selecting the Holdings option from the menu in the header. The next PCP update will be in early February.

(Photo: sanja gjenero)

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  1. Anonymous // January 10, 2009 at 9:43 AM

    Wow - you're generating quite a bit of monthly income just from your online blogging activities. I'm very curious how you're doing that. I've been running a blog for a while, but not even cracking the minimum # required to get revenue from Google Ads. If I may ask (since this is an open forum), how are you generating revenue online, and in particular, what's earning you the bulk of that $600+ per month? That's a nice monthly revenue stream that far eclipses your interest and dividend income.

  2. Anonymous // January 10, 2009 at 10:18 AM

    Anon: It is all coming from Google and and the other ads you see on this site. The key is to generate compelling content, which generates traffic and page impressions.

    To be clear, the above numbers are only related to my online earnings and how they were invested. It does not include my other income investments.

    Best Wishes,

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