Dividends4Life: This Week on the D4L Channel...

This Week on the D4L Channel...

Posted by D4L | Sunday, September 14, 2008 | | 0 comments »

Monday, we are up close and personal with the king of academics and investment advisers, but we are not asking for his advice. We are going to look under his hood and see how well his engine is running. Then Wednesday, we have recommendation that we're so sure of, you can simply mail it in.

Sniff, sniff, I smell fear. And with that usually comes opportunity!
Tuesday, see who is knocking on the door of opportunity. You would think one of these could find their way into my income portfolio? We'll soon find out...

It's going to be another memorable week. Don't risk missing a minute of it. You can have it all packaged and delivered directly to you free by clicking here and subscribing to the D4L Channel.

While waiting for this week's feature presentations, you may want to tune in to a few of these classic episodes:

(Photo: Sem Rox)



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