Dividends4Life: Fear Rising Interest Rates? Consider This 14% Income Stream

Investors’ perception of where interest rates are going can have a major impact on the stock market. The recent pullback in U.S. equities serves as the latest example. With solid results from economic indicators such as average hourly earnings, durable goods orders, and construction spending, investors feared that inflation would shoot beyond the U.S. Federal Reserve’s target of two percent, which could, in turn, result in more rate hikes from the central bank.

Fortunately, while many businesses are worried about higher debt repayment burdens resulting from higher interest rates in the future, some companies are actually in a good place to capitalize on the very same environment. Garrison Capital Inc (NASDAQ:GARS) would be a good example of this. Headquartered in New York City, Garrison Capital is an alternative investment and asset management firm. The company focuses on secured lending to middle-market companies in the U.S. As of September 30, 2017, Garrison Capital’s portfolio consisted of investments in 61 companies coming from more than 20 different industries.

Source: Income Investors

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