Dividends4Life: 3 Amazing Dividend Stocks to Buy With the Dow in Turmoil

The post Great Recession bull market in stocks is slowly falling apart. Investors watched the Dow Jones Industrial Average crash more than 1,000 points on Thursday, just days after a mind-blowing 1,175 drubbing. TheStreet's top minds have scoured their beats to find companies with the strongest dividend growth prospects. It's the quarterly checks that these companies churn out to investors that are likely to keep their stocks afloat during the near-term market turbulence.

Action Alerts Plus holding Microsoft's (MSFT) current dividend yield stands at about 2%, which isn't huge, but solid for a company that's managed to return to high growth following a period of decline. It's hard not to like home improvement king Home Depot (HD). As Waste Management (WM) CEO Jim Fish told TheStreet, being in the waste business continues to be lucrative.

Source: The Street

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