Dividends4Life: 3 High-Yield BDCs With Excellent Dividend Coverage

Dividend Growth Stocks News

BDCs have a specific mandate: Make as much money as possible in the form of total return, usually from high-yielding debt along with an exit strategy from the equity position. Other forms of investment are the creation of convertible securities that can be purchased in one of the BDCs portfolio companies. BDCs have a specific mandate: Make as much money as possible in the form of total return, usually from high-yielding debt along with an exit strategy from the equity position. Other forms of investment are the creation of convertible securities that can be purchased in one of the BDCs portfolio companies. 3 High-Yield BDCs to Buy...

Part of BNY Alcentra Group Holdings, Alcentra Capital Corp (NASDAQ:ABDC) makes nice, small investments that are carefully vetted for risk and little leverage. It’s difficult to ignore a consistent winner like PennantPark Floating Rate Capital Ltd (NASDAQ:PFLT), which has traditionally been right on the nose as far as dividend coverage, at 100% when looking at its cash on hand relevant to dividend payments for 2016. Gladstone Capital Corporation (NASDAQ:GLAD) is also a consistent payer with its dividend coverage on lock.

Source: InvestorPlace

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