Dividends4Life: 3 Bargain REITs That Pump Out Dividends for Cheap

Dividend Growth Stocks News

REITs have always been on my radar, as part of holding real estate in a long-term diversified portfolio. There are so many REITs, though, that it can be a challenge to find ones that not only offer great dividends, but offer the chance for outsized capital gains.

Like the overall economy and the stock market, REITs can be broken into sectors. You can invest in industrial, mortgage, office, retail, residential, hotel or specialized REITs. Some approaches involve having a solid understanding of each sector and rotating investments among them. I find that to be too complicated. I just don’t have the time. Generally, I stick with areas that I either understand, or can learn about fairly quickly. I’ve found three interesting REITs that are worth taking a close look at, because I think they offer a shot at strong yields and big capital gains: Whitestone REIT (WSR), Omega Healthcare Investors Inc (OHI) and Ashford Hospitality Prime Inc (AHP).

Source: InvestorPlace

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