Dividends4Life: 5 Despised Dividend-Payers With Easy 20% Upside

Dividend Growth Stocks News

There are two easy ways to make sure your portfolio beats the market averages, and most professionals too. The first you already know: Buy dividend payers, preferably those that boost their payout annually. The second is just as simple… Buy the dividend raisers that analysts hate the most. We see it repeatedly – the highest rated stocks lag the dogs. When every analyst is already bullish, the only possible change in grade is a downgrade!

In this contrarian income spirit, let’s apply some thoughtful second-level analysis to five hated high yields. These payouts are well secured, and any good news from their somewhat-maligned businesses could send shares up 20% or better. Despised Dividend Payers With 20% Upside: GNC Holdings Inc (GNC), Allied World Assurance Co Holdings, AG. (AWH), Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM), General Motors Company (GM) and Marriott International Inc (MAR).

Source: InvestorPlace

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