Dividends4Life: 3 Odd-Ball Dividend Stocks That Pay Through Retirement

When it comes to loading your portfolio with dividend stocks for retirement, there are a lot of places you can go. However, if you want the cream of the crop, then you go to the “Dividend Aristocrats”. That’s because these companies have been paying, and raising, dividends for more than 25 consecutive years. That’s a tall order because it requires a company to continually generate enough cash to be able to do so. The fact that these dividend stocks managed to do so through the early 1990s recession, the 9/11 recession and the financial crisis, demonstrates their resilience.

These dividend stocks also represent the ultimate safe haven, since a company that’s able to manage its capital so efficiently for so long is highly unlikely to be crippled. Instead of offering the traditional dividend stocks for retirement, though, I’m going outside the box while still remaining on the list. Here are three odd-ball dividend stocks that will pay through retirement: Helmerick & Payne, Inc. (HP), AbbVie Inc (ABBV) and Old Republic International Corporation (ORI).

Source: InvestorPlace

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