Dividends4Life: Warren Buffett's 4 Favorite Dividend Aristocrats

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Warren Buffett focuses on quality and the long-run. There's an index filled with Buffett's wonderful businesses. This Index makes finding high quality businesses easy. The Index I'm referring to is the Dividend Aristocrats Index. The Dividend Aristocrats Index is comprised of 50 businesses with 25+ years of dividend payments without a reduction. A business must have a strong and durable competitive advantage to pay increasing dividends for 25+ consecutive years. Warren Buffett puts his money where his mouth is.

He has invested in 4 Dividend Aristocrats. This article takes a look at Warren Buffett's 4 Dividend Aristocrat holdings: Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) announced a 6% dividend increase on February 18th. This is the 54th consecutive annual dividend increase for Coca-Cola. Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) was founded in 1837. Warren Buffett developed a large stake in the company indirectly. Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT) is the largest retailer in the world. The company has generated sales of $482 billion over the last 12 months. AT&T (NYSE:T) is Warren Buffett's highest yielding dividend stock. AT&T currently has a 5.2% dividend yield - more than double the S&P 500's 2.3% dividend yield.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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