Dividends4Life: 5 High-Yielding Strong Dividend Growth Stocks For The Long Haul

Dividend Growth Stocks News

We've never been more concerned about the financial health of dividend growth investors. Perhaps we're partly to blame for some of the excitement surrounding the strategy that has taken many corners of the web by storm, but we continue to believe it is important for investors to strive to understand the strategy's fundamental fallacies, which can't be talked about enough as a means of helping investors understand key risks.

With all of this said, there is nothing wrong with focusing on underpriced, strong companies with solid, cash-rich business models that pay strong and growing dividends, provided that such dividends are generated organically and backed by healthy balance sheets and future streams of free cash flow. Here are five of our favorites that fit such a profile: Apple (AAPL), Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and Visa (NYSE:V).

Source: Seeking Alpha

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