Dividends4Life: 5 dividend stocks that are ‘forever’ investments

Dividend Growth Stocks News

It’s undeniable that the stock market is at an inflection point. At home, all eyes are on the Federal Reserve in anticipation of the end of near-zero interest rates, with investors trying to prepare for what comes after the inevitable return to higher borrowing costs. Overseas, the threat of a “Grexit” and overheating markets in China worry international investors. But it’s important to maintain perspective. Whether you look back to the European debt crisis of 2011 or the mortgage meltdown of 2008, long-term investors with a focus on high-quality stocks are nearly always made whole — and often come out significantly ahead on a total-return basis.

The answer for many investors, then, is to rely on stable dividend payers that have strong operations that enable them to weather anything the market throws their way and sustain their dividends even during a downturn. Here are five such “forever stocks” I think investors should consider: HCP Inc. (HCP), Williams Partners (WPZ), Unilever (UL), Consolidated Edison (ED) and Agrium (AGU).

Source: Market Watch

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