Dividends4Life: 2 Dividend Stocks With Buying Opportunities Now

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Sometimes investors come back from a long holiday weekend in jovial moods. Sometimes they’re in blue funks. Janet Yellen got this year’s Memorial Day festivities off to a downbeat start (at least for financial junkies) by reminding us, in a much-awaited speech on Friday, that the Federal Reserve is prepared to raise interest rates later this year, assuming the economic numbers remain firm. Stocks followed through with a 190-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average yesterday. The broader S&P 500 shed a similar amount in percentage terms. Gold, oil and most commodities generally sank, while Treasury bonds and the dollar rallied.

The economy is by no means falling apart, despite the snarls and growls of the grizzly bears. As long as that continues to be the case, I advise you not to take daily (or weekly or even monthly) stock market declines too hard. View them, instead, as buying opportunities. On our own shopping list, we’re looking to buy the nation’s largest railroad, Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE:UNP), as soon as the shares dip. Plenty of overeager investors were piling into railroad stocks late last year and in early 2015 — even after it became apparent that tumbling oil prices would lead to lower volumes of crude shipped by rail.

Source: InvestorPlace

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