Dividends4Life: 5 Dividend-Paying Stocks With Beaten-Down Prices

Dividend Growth Stocks News

You don’t have to be an income investor to like dividend stocks, especially when they’ve been beaten down like Baker Hughes (BHI) and Oshkosh (OSK) have. Don Wordell only buys dividend-paying companies, and yet the RidgeWorth Mid-Cap Value Fund (ticker: SAMVX) yields less than 1%. Wordell isn’t in it for the payouts, he just likes the stability of firms that share the wealth with investors. “If they pay a dividend and have paid one through varying economic cycles, that speaks to the strength of the business model.”

Wordell sees plenty of opportunities. “This pull back in energy prices is a massive stimulus for the economy,” says Wordell. “I am as optimistic as I’ve been in a long time about the next 12 months.” Wordell says healthcare and technology stocks are particularly attractive right now. Barron’s asked him to share his top 5 picks: SanDisk (SNDK), Cigna (CI), Aetna (AET), Hughes (BHI) and Oshkosh (OSK).

Source: Baron's

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