Dividends4Life: Stocks for Dividend Growth With Low Risk

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Stocks for Dividend Growth With Low Risk

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, February 25, 2014 | | 0 comments »

In this screen, we turned our attention to comparatively low-risk stocks that have good records for dividend growth. In addition, our selection criteria focused on those issues that our analysts project will continue providing investors with dividends that are likely to increase at above-average rates. We began our search with stocks whose dividends have advanced at a compounded annual rate of at least 6% over the last five years. Similarly, we next narrowed the list to equities with projected annual dividend growth rates of at least 6% over the next three to five years. We also set a minimum estimated yield for the year ahead of 2.8%.

The set of stocks that made the final cut are not only judged to be safer than most, but also possess proven and prospective dividend growth rates that are likely to exceed the average rate of inflation under the time periods chosen for this review. Consequently, the list will likely appeal to conservative investors in search of current income. We note that this group is comprised of a fairly wide range of companies, not just regulated utilities and financial institutions as per past dividend-focused screens. Not surprisingly, our list is dominated by large-cap industry leaders. Of the 25 names that made the list (see below) we have chosen to highlight Sysco Corporation (SYY) and Baxter International (BAX).

Source: Value Line

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