Dividends4Life: A New Way To Look At Dividend Stocks And Bonds

Dividend Growth Stocks News

I believe that blue-chip dividend-paying U.S. equities represent not only a viable, but also a safer investment choice than many give them credit for. I also pointed out why I believe the risk profile on bonds is currently upside down, arguing that for one of the few times in history they may actually be more dangerous an investment than equities.

This is not normal, and therefore, I believe it requires looking at investment choices differently than we traditionally have. I once read a comment from the renowned spiritual leader Dr. Wayne Dyer that summarizes my point quite nicely: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” I believe a critical part of changing the way we look at equities is by the recognition that there are wide differences in the safety profile of various equity classes.

Source: Guru Focus

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