Dividends4Life: Google Investors Looking For Dividend As Cash Piles Up

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Google Inc. (GOOG) shareholders are urging the Web-search giant to take a page from Apple Inc. and return part of its $44.6 billion in cash to investors. Google has more cash as a percentage of market value than five of its largest peers, including Apple, which reinstated a dividend and unveiled a $10 billion stock buyback last month. Google’s cash has almost doubled since 2009, and it is the only U.S. technology company with a market value of more than $125 billion that doesn’t offer a regular shareholder payout.

Google Chief Executive Officer Larry Page, when asked last week about what the company might do after his competitor’s dividend announcement, said, “I think Apple has more cash than we do,” according to an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek. He said the company had nothing to announce.

Source: Bloomberg

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