Dividends4Life: Key to Smart Dividend Investing

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Key to Smart Dividend Investing

Posted by D4L | Tuesday, November 29, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Ask most income-seeking investors what they like best about dividend stocks, and they'll tell you the obvious answer: their current yield. But if you want to be a smarter long-term dividend investor, you have to go beyond current yields to learn the secret of dividend longevity -- in order to make sure those payouts will keep coming year after year, decade after decade.

It's easy to let those high yields tempt you into being short-sighted with your dividend investing. But for most investors, it's just as important to keep dividends coming far into the future as it is to reap rewards right now. If you keep your eye on your long-run goals, you'll find stocks that are better equipped to take you there.

Source: Motley Fool

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