Dividends4Life: Investing After Disaster Strikes

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Investing After Disaster Strikes

Posted by D4L | Saturday, March 19, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Being very aware of not wanting to sound insensitive to the massive amount of suffering being experienced by Japan after the horrible calamity it's dealing with, I will attempt to bring analysis that is both beneficial to the investor and to the country. To the investor by presenting an investment in Japanese companies that offer an extreme value when compared to most other countries, and to Japan by making investors aware of places to put their capital, which Japan needs, within the country's borders.

With the news being as bad as it is, opportunity from fearful investor selling is staring the long term, deep value investor in the face. It might be wise to wait for the true scope of the disaster to be made known before buying, but the current crisis has made very cheap companies that pay a nice dividend even cheaper. Investing in Japanese companies is also a very small way that we can help, by supporting the Japanese markets with fresh capital.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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