Dividends4Life: The US Dollar and Dividend Investing

Dividend Growth Stocks News

The US Dollar and Dividend Investing

Posted by D4L | Sunday, February 06, 2011 | | 0 comments »

Rising commodity prices will have to accompany any US dollar decline. That makes US companies producing natural resources guaranteed beneficiaries of any pick-up in commodity prices. So are master limited partnerships that own energy infrastructure. Their tolls automatically adjust upward with energy prices and inflation, hence their cash flows and dividends. And I’ll put the MLP Profits advisory I co-edit with Elliott Gue up against anything else covering that sector as well.

Dramatically altering your investment strategy based on inherently emotional politics, however, is just as bad an idea now as it was in early 2009. Focus instead on buying and holding healthy and growing companies paying big dividends. That’s been the key to strong returns for income investors the past three years, some of the most uncertain and volatile in market history. And it will work even better if and when the economy and markets work their way back to a more stable course.

Source: Investing Daily

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