Dividends4Life: Low-risk, high-dividend stocks

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Low-risk, high-dividend stocks

Posted by D4L | Saturday, August 07, 2010 | | 0 comments »

Earnings gave the market a bit of spring in its step in July, with stocks up about 8% on the month. But let's not forget that volatility has plagued the market all year. Before marking up share prices significantly -- and staying there -- Wall Street will need to hear a lot more good news than we've had lately.

So how do you manage through this rough patch? By doing a bit of tactical trading around the edges of your portfolio, pruning the riskier stocks and finding shelter in stable companies that offer lush dividends. Not only will this allow you to ride out the volatility, it will ensure you see some payback even if your shares move sideways. Read about 10 dividend aristocrats that have paid dividends for as long as 133 consecutive years.

Source: TheStreet.com

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