Dividends4Life: Using Yield to Evaluate Investments

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Using Yield to Evaluate Investments

Posted by D4L | Wednesday, June 30, 2010 | | 0 comments »

A core consideration for income investors is an investment's yield, which indicates the value of the payments you'll receive. Yield can be a useful tool in considering whether you'd rather try to generate future income from bonds or stocks, and whether its price is appropriate.

A stock's yield also can help you determine whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued relative to its projected income. The dividend discount model uses dividend yield to calculate what the current value of a stock should be based on its anticipated dividends in the future. If dividends are expected to grow rapidly, the present value of a stock should be higher than if dividends are expected to remain relatively static.

Source: ExpertClick.com

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