Dividends4Life: Dividend Stocks vs. Bonds

Dividend Stocks vs. Bonds

Posted by D4L | Monday, May 31, 2010 | | 0 comments »

With all the spooky headlines in the news today, it's no wonder everyone is piling into bonds.
Average investors are freaked out about the equity markets and are unknowingly underestimating the risk of bonds. Investors would be in a better frame of mind if they listened to Chris Davis. In comparing stocks and bonds, Davis says, if people got their statement and looked at the dividend yield and earnings yield, they might do things differently right now. But you have to be able to numb yourself to changes in stock prices, and most people can't do that.

As stock prices drop, the dividend yields rise - the bond dynamics have been developing in reverse (prices up, yields down). With S&P 500 earnings catapulting upwards +84% in Q1 and the index trading at a very reasonable 13x's 2010 operating earnings estimates, stocks should be able to outmuscle bonds in the medium to long-term (with or without steroids). There certainly is a spot for bonds in a portfolio, and there are ways to manage interest rate sensitivity (duration), but bonds will have difficulty flexing their biceps in the coming quarters.

Source: NASDAQ

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